lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


A estas alturas , cuando el curso termina y estamos haciendo el proyecto final, esta pequeña reflexión  quizá me  ayudará  a tener las cosas más claras: Aprendi sobre  la estructura de las oraciones, el uso del diccionario, me di cuenta que una imagen puede expresar muchas cosas , así como los títulos  y sobre todo se despertó en mi la gran curiosidad de seguir investigando y venciendo el miedo que un día tuve .Gracias teacher ,compañeros gracias a ustedes vencí el miedo al ingles, una semana aunque parezca poco nos ayudo a motivarnos a continuar aprendiendo y a aprovechar excelentes herramientas adquiridas durante el curso en particular el blogger , estoy muy satisfecha por haber logrado los objetivos planteados.

Patrones de organizacion de un parrafo.Definicion

Teaching methods and techniques: they are teaching resources, are carrying vehicles ordered, orderly and appropriate it. The methods and techniques are designed to streamline the management of learning. Thanks to them, can be developed the knowledge, skills acquired and incorporated with little effort the ideals and attitudes that the school intends to provide its students.
Marcadores de definicion:are.

Method: is the general planning of the action in accordance with certain criteria and having given certain goals.
Marcadores de definicion:Is.

Technical education: has a Meaning That Relates to how to use teaching resources for enforcement of Their learning on the learner. It is in the mode of action, objectively, to Achieve a goal.
Marcadores de definicion:Is.

Tipo de texto:Manual de metodos de educacion.
Idea principal del texto:constituir recursos necesarios para la enseñanza.

Patrones de organizacion de un parrafo.Marcadores de tiempo.

   Simon Rodriguez , known during his exile from Spanish America as Samuel Robinson, was a South American philosopher and educator, notably Simon Bolivar's tutor and mentor.
Between 1806 and 1823, Rodriguez lived in Italy, Germany, Prussia, Poland and Russia. He would later say of this time: "I stayed in Europe for more than twenty years; I worked in an Industrial Chemistry Laboratory [...] attended some secret socialist-oriented meetings [...] studied a little literature; learned languages and directed a Reading and Writing School in a small Russian town."
Rodriguez returned to America in 1823, using his name "Simon Rodriguez" again. In Colombia he established the first workshop-school in 1824. He was called to Peru by Simon Bolivar and became "Director for Public Education, Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Arts" and "Director of Mines, Agriculture and Public Roads" of Bolivia

Marcadores de tiempo: In 1823, in 1824, between 1806 and 1823.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Aproximacion al texto skimming


                                                                THE EDUCATION
 Education team of  more process has been mainly engaged the study and analysis of primary education and secondary education in VENEZUELA. In this sense we have been concerned about the inequalities that affect educational  system and how it is possible correct under the system of effective schools.
Our ongoing applied research team previously designed instrumensts in educational and coordinates with community manager to get more progress to those involved in the education system.
     De acuerdo al titulo al titulo y la imagen ¿Cual cree usted que es el topico que esta en el punto a leer?
         El sistema educativo.
    ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
          La preocupación que presenta el equipo de educación por las desigualdades que afectan el sistema educativo.
      ¿Qué palabras se repiten?
      ¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?
       ¿Cuáles son las palabras negritas que te ayudan a entender el texto?
           The education
      ¿De que trata el texto?
           Este texto nos habla del sistema educativo y las causas que afectan la educación ;y de los instrumentos previamente diseñados en los establecimientos educativos.

Aproximacion al texto scanning


 South American philosopher and educator, notably Simon Bolivar's tutor and mentor.
Between 1806 and 1823, Rodriguez lived in Italy, Germany, Prussia, Poland and Russia. He would later say of this time: "I stayed in Europe for more than twenty years; I worked in an Industrial Chemistry Laboratory [...] attended some secret socialist-oriented meetings [...] studied a little literature; learned languages and directed a Reading and Writing School in a small Russian town".
Rodriguez returned to America in 1823, using his name "Simon Rodriguez" again. In Colombia he established the first workshop-school in 1824. He was called to Peru by Simon Bolivar and became "Director for Public Education, Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Arts" and "Director of Mines, Agriculture and Public Roads" of Bolivia.

!Donde  vivio desde 1806  a 1823!
Simon Rodriguez  lived Italy,Germany,Prusia,Poland and Russia.
!Cuando regreso a America!
In 1823
¡Con cual nombre llego a America!
Simon Rodríguez
¡Porque Simon Rodríguez fue  llamado por Simon Bolivar al Peru!
To be  director for public education.